Did you know that six locally-breeding species of ducks on the Sunshine Coast rely on tree cavities for nesting?
Common Goldeneye
Wood Duck
Common Merganser
Barrows Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
To improve habitat for cavity nesting ducks, together with wonderful community volunteers and local students, we have been building and installing duck nest boxes. In addition to the nest boxes, we have also been installing special duck nesting tubes and floating logs for waterfowl and other wildlife. We look forward to monitoring the new homes this year to see how the ducks like them!
These habitat enhancement activities are generously supported by one of our funders, Wildlife Habitat Canada. Since 1985, Wildlife Habitat Canada, a national, non-profit, charitable conservation organization, has invested over $50 million supporting more than 1,500 conservation projects across Canada, through its granting program. Funds invested to support grants come from the purchase of the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp. The Stamp is purchased primarily by waterfowl hunters to validate their Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permits. Wildlife Habitat Canada works through partnerships with communities, landowners, governments, non-government organizations, and industry to conserve, enhance, and restore wildlife habitat. To learn more about the projects that Wildlife Habitat Canada has funded, please visit www.whc.org. Without habitat...there is no wildlife. It’s that simple!